recognize gaps in personal knowledge and apply strategies for addressing them. establish goals, plans, budgets, and timelines for completing a project. develop and apply criteria for judging success of learning projects. identify topics for independent study to meet individual learning needs and interests.
make decisions about group and classroom projects and learning objectives. Vocabulary Lesson Demonstrating learning IRI Subject: Social Studies (History) Topic: The Roaring Twenties Grade: 11th Meeting Days and Times: M-F 8:00-8:50 C.12.4 Demonstrate self-motivation and increasing responsibility for their learning While incorporating literacy and multiple modalities, the ChIP serves as an in depth guide for planning a chapter in my classroom. A teacher demonstrates the skills of long and short term instructional planning though the use of the ChIP. Planning and organization are key factors in effectively reaching all students in the classroom. It demonstrates the ability to plan in depth, long and short term, lessons and literacy activities for a chapter. Vocabulary Lesson Lesson Plan for Preparation B.12.1 Explain different points of view on the same historical event, using data gathered from various sources, such as letters, journals, diaries, newspapers, government documents, and speeches Study Systems Three Level Guide Study Systems Idea Bank Technology Standards Graphic Organizer Idea Bank The Chapter Instructional Plan, an artifact from EDU 431, Content Area Literacy that supports standard 7. What problems developed for American society during the 1920's? ChIP Presentation Reading Standards for Informational Text: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Details of the Preparation Stage Determining background knowledge Retention Reflection Lesson Plan Reading Autobiography Vocabulary Lesson Questions Inventory of Reading Interests Civil War to Present Students will be loyal to their morals even when circumstances in life change. Transcript: Block Plan Critical Thinking Paradigm 3 Levels: Checking Understanding CARI 2. SQ3R: Study System Standards Content area (Social Studies) Standard #1: B.8.3 Describe the relationships between and among significant events, such as the causes and consequences of wars in United States and world history Content area (Social Studies) Standard #2: B.8.10 Analyze examples of conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among groups, societies, or nations Goals Rubrics Preparation: Mind-Map Scan the chapter Skill #2: TSW compare and contrast the roles of Athens and Sparta during the Peloponnesian war. Language Arts Skill #1: TSW use Analogy Charting to compare the government structure of Ancient Greece to the government of the United States. Knowledge #2 verbs: TSW explain how Alexander the Great’s rule caused Greek culture to spread. Recall, Analyze, Synthesize Block Plan Standards Knowledge #1: TSW explain how Greek mythology affected the arts and sciences of the ancient Greeks. Disposition #2 – TSW explain in writing the importance of democracy as a result of the in-class demonstration of tyranny. #Ancient wars sparta disk foppy software#
Language Arts Standard #2: Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes) Technology The Golden Age Reflection Lesson Paired Review: Line-Up Wrap it Up with the Mind Map Assessment Video Project Content Area What are the key differences between direct democracy and representative democracy? How did Alexander the Great spread culture? What are some contributions of the ancient Greeks that affect us today? How did the government of Athens change as a result of the Peloponnesian War? Technology Standard #1: scan, crop, and save a graphic using a scanner, digital camera, or other digitizing equipment Technology Standard #2: A.4.3 Use a computer and productivity software to organize and create information PAR Essential Questions Disposition #1- TSW compare ancient Greek mythology to their own beliefs. Pre-Assessment/Post Assessment Essential Questions Assistance Lesson Language Arts Standard #1: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. Exit Slips, Admit Slips, Quick Writes, etc. Transcript: Photo based on: 'horizon' by pierreyves flickr Exam Goals ChIP: 6th Grade Social Studies.